Internet Connection Not Working in Virtual PC

I have a MS VPC 2007 with Windows Server 2008 as the guest operating system. Today I suddenly had issues accessing the internet from the VPC. I tried resetting the adapters and blah blah blah, nothing worked. After a quick Google search, I discovered this article that got me up and running.

It appears that Ping was working, but url browsing was not.

BizTalk Orchestration Will Not Open in the Designer

I had an issue after upgrading a BizTalk Orchestration project from version 2006r2 to 2010. One of the Orchestrations mysteriously would not open in the Orchestration Editor in Visual Studio. Rather, it would open in the XML editor. The code would compile properly, but obviously this was unacceptable.

I followed these steps and was able to get the Orchestration to open properly in the IDE:

  1. Close Visual Studio
  2. Launch the services console with the command: Services.msc. Restart the “Protected Storage” Service (make sure it is in the automatic mode and started).
  3. Restart IIS with the command : iisreset
  4. Reset the Visual Studio loaded packages (in a Visual Studio Command Prompt) with the command: devenv.exe /setup /resetskippkgs

After these steps, I right-clicked on the Orchestration in the IDE Solution Explorer, chose “Open With” and then Orchestration Designer just to make sure it would open as expected.

I found this solution here: